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Hiring Evaluation FES

11 Essential Questions to Ask Before Hiring Fractional Executive Services

October 20, 2023

In the modern corporate landscape, the necessity and value proposition of Fractional Executive Services (FES) are becoming increasingly apparent. FES provide businesses, especially those in the startup and SME sector, access to top-level executive talent on a part-time or contract basis. The strategic utility of such services manifests in the form of cost-effective augmentation of high-level management talent, experienced guidance through critical junctures, and the ability to leverage specialized skill sets that may not be organically available within the company.

While the advantages of FES are numerous, it is essential to approach the hiring process with a meticulous, informed mindset to ensure a symbiotic relationship with the hired executive. As such, here are eleven crucial considerations, framed as questions, to keep in mind in your pursuit of FES:

  • What is the executive's domain of expertise?
  • Can they demonstrate tangibly successful strategic initiatives?
  • What is the depth and breadth of their network?
  • How do they envisage the role?
  • How will they ensure effective communication?
  • Can they provide references from past engagements?
  • What is their approach towards conflict resolution and crisis management?
  • Are they open to a trial period?
  • How do they plan to measure their success?
  • How do they plan to leave a lasting impact?
  • What is their exit strategy?

In conclusion, the path to hiring fractional executive services should be trodden with careful thought and strategy. The considerations mentioned above are not just questions, but tools to ensure a comprehensive assessment and an effective hiring decision. After all, as the famous physicist Richard Feynman said, "The first principle is that you must not fool yourself – and you are the easiest person to fool." Therefore, it is essential not to let the alluring benefits of FES cloud the necessity for a thorough evaluation.

Related Questions

Fractional Executive Services (FES) provide businesses, especially startups and SMEs, access to top-level executive talent on a part-time or contract basis.

FES are important for a company as they provide cost-effective augmentation of high-level management talent, experienced guidance through critical junctures, and the ability to leverage specialized skill sets that may not be organically available within the company.

While hiring for FES, it is important to consider the executive's domain of expertise, their past strategic initiatives, their network, their vision for the role, their communication strategy, their references, their approach towards conflict resolution, their openness to a trial period, their plan to measure success, their plan for a lasting impact, and their exit strategy.

The executive's network is important as it can be instrumental in forging strategic alliances, sourcing deals, and scouting talent.

A trial period in FES can serve as an effective “audition” and provide a first-hand experience of the executive's capabilities and compatibility with the company's culture.

It is important to discuss the exit strategy with the executive to plan for an efficient and smooth transition when the FES engagement comes to an end.

Measuring the executive's success is crucial to have aligned expectations about performance indicators and benchmarks. A clear, measurable plan of action is indicative of an executive's strategic acumen and accountability.
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